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Care, Custody, and Control Coverage
This is legal liability coverage designed to defend you in the event that someone else’s horse is injured or dies while in your care. If a negligence suit is brought against you, the burden of proof lies on the suing party and your CCC policy will cover your defense costs.
If you are then proven negligent, your CCC coverage will pay the medical care or replacement cost of the horse up to the coverage limits. Various policy limits are available on a per horse/per year basis.
Horse Owners
In Your Care Protection
Coverage of Defense Costs
Payment Up to Coverage Limit
Perfect for Local Shippers
Different from Commercial Carriers
If you trailer non-owned horses, this is essential insurance. If you are transporting a horse owned by someone else and are involved in a vehicular accident deemed to be your fault, you could be held legally responsible for the injury or death to the horse you are hauling. You should also consider this coverage if you board, train, or breed horses for others. (Care Custody & Control is not available if you are a commercial carrier.
This coverage can be purchased alone or added to your commercial liability policy.